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Next Week

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
The CAC Cruise is upon us real fast. Only one week away. I am looking forward to meeting all of you that are going. We will get to Mid America next Thursday in the afternoon to sign in and see Mike and others we know at Mid America. Then we will head to the Hotel to check in and have an afternoon totty or two or three. Some time after that we will head out for dinner and the more that want to go the more fun we will have. We will probably go to the Lone Star (I think it is) over by the Hampton Inn just off of I 70. If that sounds good to you then please join us. We will be in the Green 93 Supercharged Vette. See you all there Mike and Vince :beer:beer:beer

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