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Mar 9, 2009
Are you aware nitro-methane's main use is as an industrial solvent? I have always used gasoline to clean parts but I keep it in a container with a weighted lid to limit the amount of loss from evaporation. I keep my garage door and rear door open all the time so my garage is very well ventilated. Every now and then you'll read about some Harley Davidson owner who was using a brush and pan of gasoline inside his house to clean his parts and ended up burning his house down after the fumes hit a pilot light. Gasoline is great for cleaning parts as long as you respect it.
I have 40 plus years of rattling around chemical plants and I have never seen or heard of nitro-methane used as a industrial solvent. At a cost of around $50 a gallon, nitro-methane isn't exactly cheap.
Are you aware nitro-methane's main use is as an industrial solvent? I have always used gasoline to clean parts but I keep it in a container with a weighted lid to limit the amount of loss from evaporation. I keep my garage door and rear door open all the time so my garage is very well ventilated. Every now and then you'll read about some Harley Davidson owner who was using a brush and pan of gasoline inside his house to clean his parts and ended up burning his house down after the fumes hit a pilot light. Gasoline is great for cleaning parts as long as you respect it.

You do realize that the key to safety here is a completely "sealed" container for your gasoline and not a "weighted lid to limit the amount of loss from evaporation"? Thought so.

Gasoline is not great for cleaning parts. Gasoline is not great for cleaning your hands.

Just a side note: having to keep your garage doors open for ventilation is not a sign of safety (which I am sure you believe it is), but of course is a sign of danger. Read that a couple of times if you have to.

You clearly do not respect gasoline.
So nitromethane is used as an industrial solvent, therefore gasoline makes a good parts cleaner?

We use sulfuric acid at work to clean some things, therefore I should use hydrofluoric acid to clean things as well, including my hands?
Um no. They are two different chemicals. Just because one is used for something doesn't mean the other should be. And certainly not at home without the appropriate safety precautions. Same for nitromethane and gasoline.
I use carb cleaner as a solvent on appropriate surfaces. Spray it and wipe it off.

I also wear the right equipment on my hands- that minimized cleaning them. Usually it's thick, disposable non-latex gloves like Gorilla Gloves. :thumb

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