ad Help me!!!! I am a vette owner wanna be. But in the mean time I am driving a 2005 Jag X-Type (15,000 miles). The windshield cracked a week ago so I arranged to have it replaced. Today the guy came to do the work. He pulled the old ws off and then it begain to rain, VERY HARD!!!!!!! He didn't have a tarp so he ran to the store to get one (this was taking place at my wife's work). 25 min later he came back with a tarp. The car had an inch of water on the floor and god knows how much water in the dash and in the vents.
Do I take it to the dealer and have them inspect it. My fear is that all other repairs after this time will be connected to this situation and will be out of warranty. I have arranged for a full detail my the local detail shop (they do a really good job). But that will just fix the surface stuff. What about the wiring etc?
To top it off I got rear-ended by some idiot yesterday in my mustang. This is just terrible!!!!!!!
I thought I had good kharma.
Do I take it to the dealer and have them inspect it. My fear is that all other repairs after this time will be connected to this situation and will be out of warranty. I have arranged for a full detail my the local detail shop (they do a really good job). But that will just fix the surface stuff. What about the wiring etc?
To top it off I got rear-ended by some idiot yesterday in my mustang. This is just terrible!!!!!!!
I thought I had good kharma.