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Noland Adams - 1956 Drag Races - Christmas Gifts Ideas


Apr 2, 2008
SF Bay Area
Noland lives pretty close to where I work, so I visit Noland whenever I free up some time. As you might expect, Noland has many incredible stories and some really neat memorabilia. Hanging out with a Corvette Hall of Famer is as good as it gets.

Last time I visited Noland I spotted an old reel of 8mm film, the kind my dad used to have, with a handwritten "Drag Races" on it. Noland very generously allowed me to borrow the film. OMG!!! (For those without kids, that is Oh My God!!! in texting speak). The film shows 1956 drag races near Lodi California. 1953-56 Corvettes against TBirds, against each other, and a bunch of other races as well. With Noland's permission, I digitized the movie, and posted it on YouTube: Noland's 1956 Drag Race Movie

To thank Noland for allowing me to digitize and post the video, I built a webpage showing the books that Noland has authored and still offers for sale. I purchased each of the books, and Noland inscribed each one for me. Everybody knows about Noland 1953 - 1962 and 1963 - 1967 Restoration Guides. But Noland's later books are fantastic too - the books include tons of GM and non-GM rare photos of cars, including many racing photos. Noland also provides a great deal of context for the pictures.

I personally think these books would make a great Christmas gift. You can order directly from Noland, and he will inscribe the books with whatever information you provide. Noland's Book Webpage.

If you already own Noland's book, please check out the webpage anyway - I included links to Noland's first car (a 1954), a circa 1956 pic of Noland's 1953 #284, and a pic of Noland's first 1957. I'm pretty sure that these pics have never been seen in public before.

Thanks for doing this Russ.
Very good documentation and photos. I tried to go to his listing of 53 to 54 Corvette photos website but it no longer exists. Sure would have liked to see more 54 Corvette photos. They always help when looking at parts and correctness. :w
Very good documentation and photos. I tried to go to his listing of 53 to 54 Corvette photos website but it no longer exists. Sure would have liked to see more 54 Corvette photos. They always help when looking at parts and correctness. :w

Are you referring to my website - earlycovettes.com? Last time I checked all the links were working. Send me a PM if you are having a problem.

If you want to go directly to the 53 - 55 car stuff - click here.

Very cool movies! It isn't often that you get a chance for a glimpse of a bygone era, but when you do get the opportunity to see something like this you owe it to yourself to watch it. Thanks for posting......I was 10 in 1956, and for 4 plus minutes I was 10 AGAIN.
That was just too cool for words. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thank Noland also when you next see him.


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