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None Repairable


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2004
Ok Guys, Callaway Cant Fix One Of My Turbos For Car 88026.

I Want To Get It On The Road, Need To Hear Alternatives For Twin Turbo Convertible. I Want Turbos Of Some Kind. What Is Out There?
Get ahold of Jeb Burnett at www.deepfreezecryo.com

I was talking to him about this issue and he said he was using a turbo with the same approx dimensions as our Rotomasters and they had integral wastegates.

Tell him Josh(SurfnSun) told you to call. He's very very knowledgable.

There is always the T3/T4 hybrids that Turbocat is using. You'll need to plumb a wastegate path into the exhaust. It won't be cheap but the upside would be a nice increase in power.
CALLAWAY1988 said:
Ok Guys, Callaway Cant Fix One Of My Turbos For Car 88026.

I Want To Get It On The Road, Need To Hear Alternatives For Twin Turbo Convertible. I Want Turbos Of Some Kind. What Is Out There?
What exactly is wrong with them? Are the housings cracked, bearings toasted, shafts bent, impellers impaled??

Just wondering - Hope it works out :v
on one of them, and i dont remember which, the only thing i have that is good is the housing. callaway is sending them back to me. when i get them, i will photo them and send them out for ideas. i had a racing shop give me a used one he thought the pieces were the same for. i also have an airresearch unit in my office. basically one of them needs everything. the other is rebuildable per callaway.
CALLAWAY1988 said:
on one of them, and i dont remember which, the only thing i have that is good is the housing. callaway is sending them back to me. when i get them, i will photo them and send them out for ideas. i had a racing shop give me a used one he thought the pieces were the same for. i also have an airresearch unit in my office. basically one of them needs everything. the other is rebuildable per callaway.
That is good that one is still repairable - Keep the faith, I know many businesses out there have spare parts stashed, it is just a matter of finding that goldmine - I know at least one member here who scours the regions looking for 88+ parts.

What did Charlie Brown say about them? He is the guy at Evergreen in Florida...
He Was Willing To Look At My Mess And Tell Me What If Anything He Could Do. I Am Awaiting Their Arrival From Callaway. I Will Send Them To Him For Inspection And Meanwhile, I Keep The Faith. Someone Will Share Info That Helps Me Get Running.

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