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Help! Nose letter drill template.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Dayton, NV
1962 red
Hi All,
I am new to this..so please be patient.
I have a 62 that my son put a new front end on back in the 80s, but we never drilled it and mounted the letters.
I have laid out a paper with all the hole location coordinates on it, but would need to get some time on a mill with a digital read out on it.
I have a complete letter set that I would like to put on now.
I read in another thread about a drill template for the first generation cars that was being passed around among members.
My question is, Does anyone know where that template is and how to get it?
Please let me know...
Jon, I can't help with the template, but I CAN welcome you to the Corvette Action Center!
I'm sure that some other members with more knowledge will chime in before too long!
Enjoy the '62 and all that it has to offer.
Andy :w

Thanks Andy,
I am just getting back to working on it, making it roadworthy.
My first two projects with it are drilling the holes and putting the nose letters back on and putting a new rear window seal back on the hardtop.
Thanks again for the welcome.
I know that I would have to have an industrial sized can of fiberglass filler on hand,
because there WOULD be mistakes (probably a BUNCH) made. ;LOLI'm just not that good
at stuff like that. Good luck with the '62 and all of it's projects.
Andy :w

Would that info be in the Corvette Assembly Manual??
Would that info be in the Corvette Assembly Manual??

I have the information. What I need is a drill template if one already exists so I don't have to rent time on a mill, buy bushings etc.
Welcome to the CAC. I seem to remember mention of a template also. I'll watch this thread and do a little checking myself.


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