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Question: numbers stamped on diff.

I believe the AP is the ratio (4:11) and the 10 20 is Oct 20th. I am guessing that the 56 is the year (57 model year).
I believe the AP is the ratio (4:11) and the 10 20 is Oct 20th. I am guessing that the 56 is the year (57 model year).

Somehow I doubt that the rear in his '63 SWC was manufactured in 1956. There are more than a few minor differences...
Can anyone dicipher tese numbers that are stamped on the differential of my '63 SWC 327/300. AP 10 20 56


Re-check the "56" - it's probably '66. That design of diff didn't exist until late '62 for '63, and someone swapped in a '67 diff in place of the original.

diff stamp pic


This is the stamp on diff of 63 327/300

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