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Odometer replacement


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
03 Z06,66 coupe(sold),99 Porsche Carrera(sold)
Can anyone tell me how difficult it is to replace the speedometer and trip odometers on my '66? Is this something I would be able to do myself or should I let a shop with more experience handle it?
C'mon members, surely someone has experience in replacing the odometers. The 1966 manual says you have to remove the steering mast and pull the column in order to remove the instrument cluster. Is there any other way around doing this?
C'mon members, surely someone has experience in replacing the odometers. The 1966 manual says you have to remove the steering mast and pull the column in order to remove the instrument cluster. Is there any other way around doing this?

No, there isn't. You'll need to pull the cluster and send it out to a reputable instrument repair shop to have the odometer drive system rebuilt; very common issue on midyears.
No, there isn't. You'll need to pull the cluster and send it out to a reputable instrument repair shop to have the odometer drive system rebuilt; very common issue on midyears.

Thanks for the info JohnZ. I was hoping it would be a task I could do myself. Removing the cluster seems to be the worst part of repairing it. Looks like the work to repair will be farmed out.
Go to this site:


Scroll down to "Gauges & Instruments", and download "Dash Cluster #1" and "Dash Cluster #2"; those are my articles on midyear cluster removal and installation. They'll take you through it step-by-step. :)
This shop is owned by two NCRS members #1011
Joe Ray Parts Co. www.joerayparts.com

They do all kinds of instruments, clocks, radios WW motors and headlight motors. They say that the instrument cluster will be done in perfect condition and works as original. I found them in NCRS Driveline. :w
Go to this site:


Scroll down to "Gauges & Instruments", and download "Dash Cluster #1" and "Dash Cluster #2"; those are my articles on midyear cluster removal and installation. They'll take you through it step-by-step. :)

Much thanks! The directions seem quite easy, just time consuming. My only fear was looking at the pic with the dash cluster removed and all the wiring left behind. :ugh
This shop is owned by two NCRS members #1011
Joe Ray Parts Co. www.joerayparts.com

They do all kinds of instruments, clocks, radios WW motors and headlight motors. They say that the instrument cluster will be done in perfect condition and works as original. I found them in NCRS Driveline. :w

Again, much thanks for the repair shop info. I'm going to begin removal of the cluster this weekend. I should have it all taken out by July 34th. :boogie
This shop is owned by two NCRS members #1011
Joe Ray Parts Co. www.joerayparts.com

They do all kinds of instruments, clocks, radios WW motors and headlight motors. They say that the instrument cluster will be done in perfect condition and works as original. I found them in NCRS Driveline. :w

Good choice - Joe Ray knows his stuff, and has been doing this work for decades. He's always at Carlisle too. :)

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