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OK, So I have like a 3 gallon gas tank...


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2002
Dallas County, Texas
'75 Modified Red Ragtop: "LEFTLN"
My '75 has one of those bladder thingies in it with all of 15 or 17
gallons capacity.

As I've mentioned I got my little parts car to make something sick and twisted and wrong with some humongous stroker BB I will probably not ever earn enough to pay off if I live to 50...

This itsy bitsy fuel tank will simply not do.

I don't care about the bladder, this not being a combat aircraft.

What is the largest capacity tank anybody's shoved into one of these things - either a factory, repro, or cell? And where do they foolishly leave these things sitting outside after closing time? :)

I know some of the early BB C3's went up to 26 gallons, but I'd prefer something in the 40 gal range for when I'm down solidly in the 5MPG and lower range. I haven't called any of the custom manufacturer's the street rod and custom set use yet, but I might.

Before I did this I thought I'd see if anyone had any experience. Aluminum, SS or poly are all good for me.
The largest C3 tank was 20 gals, most are 18 gals. But the main difference was in the filler, the 18 gal tanks had a neck that extended into the tank that limited the mount of gas by creating an air space at the top while the 20 gal did not have this neck. For anything larger you will have to go custom but there is not much room back there for anything bigger.

Check with Merlin.....I think he has mounted like a 30 or 40 Gallon tank in his Monster
I believe the tanks jumped to 24 gallons, with the new body in '78.

I know my '79 has a tank that's larger than 20 gallons, because I put 21 gallons in it one day after a long drive...

The '81 is 23.7 in the owners manual. Don't forget that the '78-'82 have a taller rear deck and the filler door was moved further to the rear. Since the chassis are basically the same a repro 36 gallon tank for a big tank mid year might work with a little modification.


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