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Optima Battery Problem


Well-known member
May 18, 2001
1977 Buckskin
I installed a Optima battery in both my 77 vette and 93 Toyota pick-up. The batteries were purchased at COSTCO. In a very short time the battery in the pick-up went bad and would not take a charge. I returned it and I was given a new one. The same thing has happened too the battery in the vette. It has been in the car about 11 months. COSTCO gave me a refund and when I went to pick out a replacement, they were out of stock. I purchased an Autolight from Kragens instead. Has anyone else experienced this problem with the Optima batteries?
I have had nothing but perfect from Optima batteries. Very strange story you have.
Yes I know. When I would charge the battery, the charger would start at 15 amps and never get lower than 10 amps. I disconnected the battery from the car when I did charge it. The vette sits alot, but the truck I drive everyday. I had the altenator checked out and it is fine. I liked the batteries, I just wonder if they made a batch for COSTCO and they had a problem with them. The guy a COSTCO said he knew nothing about it.
You may have to cover the inside of your garage with aluminum foil. It keeps the alian dark rays out. ;)
I have used Optima for years and have never had a problem . I never had a new one till about a year ago. I grew up near a nascar shop and always got the batteries after they were "used up". The only time they were ever replaced was when I traded vehicles . About a year ago I went to Auto Zone or Advance , I forget, but anyway , the Optimas there were different than i had been used to getting I was told then that there were two different grades of Optima Batteries. The cheap ones look like a 6 pack with a top on it .
Costco must have gotton the cheap ones. The outside looks like a 6 pack, but the top is square.
Interstate Battery

I got an Interstate Battery and had it for 10 months . It has one dead cell and won't hold a charge. I think I will replace it with a Delco. I was thinking of Sears I have had luck with them. Any thoughts ??:D

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