It just so happens that yesterday, my driverside handle broke. The PS handle has not been working and I haven't taken the time to find out just what was wrong and fix it. Well to make things worse, i got caught in the rain on the way home. Had to put the top and windows up, no problem...yet. I pull right up in the garage, hop out, and shut the door. Ooooops! Neither door handle will work and the the top and windows are up.
I ended up getting a piece of pvc pipe and made a hook on one end. My ragtop is in need of replacement and I was able to lift up enough above the ds window and slide the pipe through to the passenger side door handle. I caught it with the hook and pulled it open. What pain.
Last night, I removed the ds door handle to find it had broken.
Glad it wasn't a t-top car.