Wow! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED! hAD The vette down (1989) to replace all the carpet and heater core, was down about a week. It has the chip and matching 160 degree thermo,just installed last fall, new head gaskets and i had them put in a new h20 pump just incase. I took off to work 2 show her off and didnt get 2 miles down the road be4 the temp.went through the roof... well 239 or so in mins,. had no circulation. thought the new core might be plugged. anyway i took my old truck to work, bummer, when i came home i tried by passing the core, same same, high temp fast. Came home last night, put the core back in line , ran the car around , no problem! running at around 164 -170 after 30 mins. or so. Did that aftermarket thermo freeze shut from no use while i had her down? Doug. captbane@yahoo.com