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Painful Picture

Yeah that sucks, More than one ZR-1 on that site,
One yellow one front end hit a green 92 that I sent them hit a poll in the drivers door, and the red 90 that hit a tree that one was not pretty!

The one that was burned out was at dinos corvette salvage I inquired about it butnever heard from them??


Reminds me of the first C-4 wreck I saw. The guy had literally lost his head as he went under a semi.

Still gives me shivers.

Great power and performance demands great skill and judgement
Here are some other ZR-1's
first one I posted its being restored.. no frame damage..
second one fight with a tree and the third one I dont know but its still a nasty picture




Yeah they look bad..
red one and the yellow I wouldnt have wanted to be in those!
Hey Johnny, are you still playing in the sand box? Hope everything is going good with ya. Stay safe. Semper Fi!
no man im back home finaly!
been back for over a month and it feels so go to be home!

I guess I should change my avitar location..

did my time in the sand box and I was glade to leave it


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