Glen Braxton
I've just painted the car on Thursday, and now I feel sick.
Here's the story: Decided I was painting it with Lacquer, as original. Did all the body prep, and primed and sanded it with a lacquer primer. So far so good. Visited the local paint shop, and ordered up a gallon of PPG Duracryl Lacquer.
I inquired about a sealer coat, and the clerk agreed and reccomended PPG Omni MP213 GP Sealer. So Thursday we spray the sealer, wait a half hour, then spray a few coats of the lacquer. Saturday morning I'm out checking it over, and see a little nub that I catch with a thumb nail, and take a big gouge out of the paint. I then test a section of paint in an out of the way area, and I can sink a finger nail in easily. Big problem I think, as lacquer should be hard. I test some more areas, and it is soft. I test an area on an inner panel where I didn't spray sealer, and it is hard as expected.
This afternoon I visited the paint shop to talk with the clerk. I described the problem, and he asked about the sealer. I said it was the MP213 GP he reccomended. He said he wouldn't use that one for lacquer. I said it was the one he reccomended. He said I needed to let every thing cure for a week. Anyway, get home, and search the PPG site, and see that the MP213 GP is an Enamel Sealer, which I think is a no-no under lacquer.
So the big question: Am I screwed, six weeks of work shot, or will this stuff eventually cure?
I've just painted the car on Thursday, and now I feel sick.
Here's the story: Decided I was painting it with Lacquer, as original. Did all the body prep, and primed and sanded it with a lacquer primer. So far so good. Visited the local paint shop, and ordered up a gallon of PPG Duracryl Lacquer.
I inquired about a sealer coat, and the clerk agreed and reccomended PPG Omni MP213 GP Sealer. So Thursday we spray the sealer, wait a half hour, then spray a few coats of the lacquer. Saturday morning I'm out checking it over, and see a little nub that I catch with a thumb nail, and take a big gouge out of the paint. I then test a section of paint in an out of the way area, and I can sink a finger nail in easily. Big problem I think, as lacquer should be hard. I test some more areas, and it is soft. I test an area on an inner panel where I didn't spray sealer, and it is hard as expected.
This afternoon I visited the paint shop to talk with the clerk. I described the problem, and he asked about the sealer. I said it was the MP213 GP he reccomended. He said he wouldn't use that one for lacquer. I said it was the one he reccomended. He said I needed to let every thing cure for a week. Anyway, get home, and search the PPG site, and see that the MP213 GP is an Enamel Sealer, which I think is a no-no under lacquer.
So the big question: Am I screwed, six weeks of work shot, or will this stuff eventually cure?