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Paint help - 56 Sebring Stripes


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2003
Sarasota FL
1957 #3143; 1997 #0993
I'm looking for the paint "offset" formula for the "blue" stripes & coves of the 56 Sebring race cars

(Like this baby...)

GM also used this color on the 57 race cars, too.
Is it Harbor Blue? Shows as a special order in 1956 and also available in 1957. DuPont code is the same for both years.

Thanks, Tom. My feeling is it was a GM color - and I like the "special order" in the last column!
That was my feeling too. It sure looks close in the chip. For some reason I think I remember some reference to Harbor Blue in an article on the Sebring cars from some time in the past. It just sounds right. How's that for a technical fact? "it sounds right".


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