Seems that some here are perpetrating a myth that Zaino is some kind of 8-10 hour process. Not true.
If you wish to begin with a claybar process to cleanse the surface - that takes time, but is recommended by all high end wax companies that make a claybar. I am a Zaino fan, but used a Mother's claybar (by the way, claybaring is the most time consuming step).
When using either Z-2 or Z-5 with the ZFX additive, it is applied just like a conventional wax and is removed easier. Without ZFX, a one-time base coat of Z-1 takes the place of the ZFX addiive.
Regardless, after surface treatment and a base coat, Zaino is EASIER than wax.
Z-6 is a "wipe-on, wipe-off" spray enhancer (or "detailer") that increases the depth of shine and can be used any time after wax or after wash.
My C5's finish was damaged by a well meaning, but misdirected
dealer. I tried several products, including 3M(by hand), to eliminate the resultant swirl marks and had no success on my Mag Red coupe. Thankfully, the Zaino Z5 helped to reduce the swirls to the point where they are now imperceptable.
What I'm trying to say is that Zaino produces an accumulative benefit unmatched by any other product when used as intended.
I have no interst in Zainio, nor am I a distributor. Just a fan. Maybe someone with more expertise can weigh in with a better explaination of the Zainio experience. All I know is: I love it.