Well not forever but for a long time untill I come up with the money to fix it plus some money I feel I am going to need to repay even tho its not a loan, so I guess just for a few years. Basicly what happen is my mom offer to trade in my eclipse and help me pay for the rest on a 2002 Trans AM Collectors edtion but this means I have to part the vette because the insurnce will just be to much on both of these cars. I love to drive the car but right now because of some problems like none of the lights working or blinkers, I almost got hit about 6 times on the way home at like 9pm. Its not just the bulbs its the electrical system, then the whole dashboard has to be replaced and carpet, the power window motors need to be replaced, wind shield wiper motors also and wiper fluid pump and the tank for it and the carbrator needs to be replaced with a Holley dual pumping 650 and after I put that on the gas milage will be like 10 miles per gallon. The I have problems with insurnce my insuarnce company wont insure it for more then 2k WTF. I am going to have to go threw a ton of crap to prove the car is worth 18k. But its not like Im selling it, just parking untill I have the money. I could get lucky and get a good paying job work alot of hours and have the car back in 6 months. Another thing is I feel kinda of bad getting another car, most kids dont go through 3 cars in one year. Any way here is a picture of the exact car I am thinking about getting, I have to decide quickly cause its a rare car, this one is a 6 speed manual.