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Patches, we're depending on you son

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster

Daytona Beach, FL. – This is the season that NASCAR was going to get it right. And this, the Daytona 500, is the race that was going to start it.


hey shooter...
with a carborated engine running 91 octane if you run lower octane will the engine run richer or leaner?
i did pull the plugs, and, its a bit lean,adjusting would be wonderful but( it requires removing the carb and drilling out a plug etc, a lot of hassell in a parking garage, i was hoping i could just put in lower octane to to fatten it up a little, i know the lower octane has a lower flash point but im not sure about the richness..and i dont want o have a tank of crap gas in my scooter if i can help it...i will probably get an S&S super E to eliminate all problems but for now id like to just help it a little...
I could hardly believe it. I think I heard one of the commentators state the last time the track was last repaved was 1978 and is scheduled to be done again later this year. Should have been a couple of years ago. I guess it was more important for the France family to build their empire and rake in the bucks than to do maintenance to the home of the late "Great American Race". A total fiasco. After following NASCAR for 45+ years it pains me to see these incompetent jerks ruin the sport. They too "just don't get it".

I could hardly believe it. I think I heard one of the commentators state the last time the track was last repaved was 1978 and is scheduled to be done again later this year. Should have been a couple of years ago. I guess it was more important for the France family to build their empire and rake in the bucks than to do maintenance to the home of the late "Great American Race". A total fiasco. After following NASCAR for 45+ years it pains me to see these incompetent jerks ruin the sport. They too "just don't get it".

The track is supposed to be repaved in 2012 but they think they might have to move it up a bit.
hey shooter...
with a carborated engine running 91 octane if you run lower octane will the engine run richer or leaner?


Octane has nothing to do with air fuel ratio.

As for the pot hole...who the f**k cares about the hole. That last two laps was worth both the waits. At our party, it just gave us a longer time to drink and eat before the race is over.

Freakin' McMurray...man...did he put his name on the map, or what!!!

And, Jr. Where the f**k did he come from? The 1 had to have been so glad the race ended when it did. If it'd had gone one more lap, the 88 woulda got him, too.

Octane has nothing to do with air fuel ratio.

As for the pot hole...who the f**k cares about the hole. That last two laps was worth both the waits. At our party, it just gave us a longer time to drink and eat before the race is over.

Freakin' McMurray...man...did he put his name on the map, or what!!!

And, Jr. Where the f**k did he come from? The 1 had to have been so glad the race ended when it did. If it'd had gone one more lap, the 88 woulda got him, too.
I agree:thumb:beer

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