I own a 2002 C5 and it has nasty noise in the bottom end,If it was a used car I was looking at I would run away thinking something on the bottom is knocking to get out,
I used to belong to another forum and was advised this is normal with this motor and pose's no reliablity risk what so ever
I have never had a good dealer exspereance so for sure my car will not be in the shop to adress this noise untill there is a hole in the side of the motor.
I dont know if I have read it here or else or if I was understanding it correct but
but if a major portion of the front suspention has to come out some of the fasteners have to be replaced.I would think if they were going to rplace the piston in car for sure the have to make some room on the bottom of the car and may remove some supention parts
And to the two guys who replied who were gm tec's I am sure you guys do the right thing,and I never want to flame a forum member so I applogize in advance if you find it offensive to you.I own a fleet of GM vehicles and every time a vehicle goes in for a repair it ends up returning at least 4 to 5 times to correct other problems created from the poor quaility repair of the first defect.And I really hate to be Bs'ed to by service wrighters.I had a 800 mile old vehicle have to go into the shop for a new trans,called the shop the following day after it was pulled in and asked what have the found out? (Truck lost its tranney 2 hours away from my shop so it was at a non local dealer and he knew we were not local to him) the service wrighter exspained He had the truck brought in first thing in the morning and they are working on it now.I have a satelite tracking system in the truck and was looking at my truck on my computer screen showing the truck had not been moved nor started for the last 18 hours.I told they guy he was a LIAR he had not touched the truck His only concern was why did I come all the way up to his shop surely only because I wanted to start trouble for him
I exsplained about the satelite and then paid 323.00 out of my own pocket to bring the truck home for a local dealer to repair it.