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PKE problems


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
New 'vette and questions about PKE.

The owners manual says that you can program the remote to operate the drivers door, both doors, or neither. I played with mine and can only get it to work the passenger door.

Sitting in the car, if I lock the doors with the power lock switch, then push the door button on the remote, it only unlocks the passenger door. I have tried several times to cycle the locks with the key in the ignition, ignition off, but it does not change it. When it cycles, both doors lock and unlock.

Is this correct, or am I missing something?
On my FOB, the "Door" button only works the passenger side and this is what is indicated in the owners manual as correct operation.
Oh, I must have missed that in the manual.

So the remote is only good for unlocking the passenger door and the hatch, other than the PKE function.

Does that mean that the 'programming' that I was doing changes which doors are unlocked when the remote comes in range when PKE is turned on?
Not exactly. The PKE still unlocks the doors passively. It's just that the "door" BUTTON only unlocks the passenger door. Programming enables the use of the PKE FOB with the car. Holding the door button down for several seconds will "cycle" the PFE function on and off.
You can program which door/doors the PKE opens by putting the key in the ignition, donot turn on.

Hold the door button down & the locks will cycle. You'll have to keep playing with it till you get the sequence you want. I'm doing this from memory & at my age that could be a problem

Pressing the 'door' button with the key in the ignition (off) for 2 seconds will select either 1)open only the drivers door passively or 2) open both doors passively. It's like a flip-flop alternating between one and the other. If choice 1) is set, the 'door' button will unlock the passenger door AFTER the driver's door has been unlocked passively and the fob is still in range.

Take care, holding the 'door' button in while in range (no key inserted) will defeat the PKE altogether. And holding the 'door' button in while in range (no key inserted) will reactivate the PKE.
Good luck.
I played with it this evening after reading the posts, got it figured out now.

Thanks for the help!
Glad you got it figured out.

:dance :dance

Hey! I just saw the C6 and Elvis was driving it. This is NOT a joke!:eek
I was trying to figure out the same door programming on my new (to me) LT4. The manual is NOT at all clear on this. Thanks for the post that clears it up. Is there a correct detailed GM explanation anywhere?

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