i have followed the procedures to the letter
the problem lies in the step where i turn the key to the off position and the light is supposed to come on and blink
it does not come on or blink so it does not enter program mode
since there is some conflicting information from the instructions on that came with the transmitter and what the manual states
i have also tried the procedure by turning the key to the lock position
neither way makes the light come on and blink
Have you tried the diagnostic mode for the PKE? If not....
For those with a 16 pin DLC the pins to ground are 8 to 5.
The PKE system will flash a specified diagnostic trouble code (dtc), based up on the testing of certain fucntion parts of the system when the diagnostics enable input is activated. the diagnostic mode will be accessed when the following conditions are met.
- Key is in the ignition
- Ignition is "OFF"
- the diagnostic link connector (DLC) terminal "H" has been grounded.
The diagnositc mode will be exited whenever the grounding of the diagnositc enable input is removed. the receiver will return to transmitter in range/key-in ignition mode after exiting. The "Passive Keyless Entry" lamp shall flash DTCs indictating proper operation or faults of specific parts of the system."
"DAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCs)The "Passive Keyless Entry" lamp in the Driver Information Center (DIC) shall flash information codes shown below, which represent the corresponding system condition.
Diagnostic Condition - DTC
Receiver memory bad - 12
Transmitter not in range - 13
Non-Valid transmitter received - 14
Valid Transmitter received - 15
Passenger Door Button Depressed - 16
Hatch Button Depressed - 17
DTCs 12. 13, and 14 display the current state of the system. DTCs 15, 16, and 17 are actually functional codes which require the transmitter to be in range as confirmation that the receiver has functioned correctly."
just get the DTC and i'll tell you what the chart says the problem may be for that DTC. The chart is too lengthy to type out the remaining procedure for each DTC.