This is just to save you a lot of time, not in diagnosing a bad booster but testing a "factory rebuilt" before installing. A mechanic friend told me that in his experience about 50% of rebuilts are bad. So far it has been mine also! To test:
Simply place the new unit next to the master cylinder, connect the vacuum line and start the engine. the booster should stay in a neutral position, just as it is when removed from the box. Next push the rod from the brake pedal side, it should move in and the rod to the master cylinder should extend and
everything should go back when you release the brake side rod.
Doing this can save you a lot of extra work!
Simply place the new unit next to the master cylinder, connect the vacuum line and start the engine. the booster should stay in a neutral position, just as it is when removed from the box. Next push the rod from the brake pedal side, it should move in and the rod to the master cylinder should extend and
everything should go back when you release the brake side rod.
Doing this can save you a lot of extra work!