I removed the drivers side seat today thanks to SpanishVette's straight forward instructions.
To my delight, I discovered that the plastic bushing overwhich a clear rubber tube connects in which the drive cable connecting the motor with the opposite side drive gears for the front up-down function had been broken and the square drive end of the cable was disengaged. Although, the plastic housing is sheared off and could not be removed from the rubber hose without absolute destruction, nevertheless, after a complete and thorough cleaning I was able to reinstall the drive cable sans the rubber tube connected to the plastic bushing and reinstalled the seat and all six adjustments work fine.
The only possible problems I see resulting from this partial fix, is the possibility of the lubricant seeping out of the plastic bushing where normally the rubber tubing would contain any seepage, dripping, or leaking, and of course, the drive cable itself disengaging and coming back out, because the rubber tubing actually serves to keep the drive cable in place.
But in lieu of spending $200 for a complete power train, I think I can reach under the seat and reinstall the cable, if and when it comes out again in the future. And now that I have the seat adjusted where I want it, I don't see myself adjusting the seat very often.
Regardless, next time, no fear, I'll remove that seat with one hand tied behind my back!
My thanks also to 93*Corvette for the four great pdf files with photos and everything. When I replace the old leathers with new leathers which I already purchased last year, I'll have the complete instructions for removing and replacing seats, frames, covers, the whole shebang.
And finally, thanks to Rob and Mac for the help they gave so I could download the pdf files. Had a great Saturday tinkering with the Vette because you all encouraged me to tackle this matter that without instructions, I would have been stymied.