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progress report for 63swc restorod


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2003
Norwalk, Ohio
15 Z06, 01 Vert, 63 SWC & 60 ALL RED
Finally got enough of the body cut out (ouch, yes it was not easy to make the first cut) and fit to the frame.



Prothane body mount cushions


my friend's son with his much smaller hands sure fit in places our hands didn't



We finally got the body down on the mounts. We were able to get the #2, #3, #4 mounts and shims in place. Next we hung the passenger door, wasn't that a bunch of fun! on/off/on/off/on/off/on. After we fussed with pull the door forward, no pull it backwards.....just a lot of fussing. Finally got the door pretty good and decided to call it a day. We will get after the other door and then adjusting mounts #1 and #5.

I think when we get the shims and everything correct, I will put them in indivdual bags. Probably will have a single block machined to the correct thinkness of all shims for each mount.

After we get the body shimmed and adjusted, then I will get after glassing in the rear. Mike @ SRIII Motorsports did a nice job on the frame and working with me to set the wheel positions based on tire and wheel selection. When we get the other door and everything set, I will pull the car out from under the lift and off the wheel dollys and post some new photos.....
That's going to be a fun car. It would be hard to make that first cut though.

That's going to be a fun car. It would be hard to make that first cut though.

as I made that first cut, I felt all kinds of guilt...but the more I went with the cuts the more I just kept thinking how much fun this build was going to be and how awesome it would be when I was done......so....I am on my way.

Shimming a C2 on a SRIII frame is no picnic......but in the end it will be great......
Herb, I have waiting for the progress report, especially since its a SWC. Was cleaning out part of the basement (wife has me doing this during the winter months-spend about 4 hours per week) this moring and I came across the photos of my white with red interior 4 speed 300 hp SWC when I was stationed in Alaska in 1964-66. I loved that SWC and am watching with great interest in your restoration. Since you told me it will be RED, it even makes it more exciting. Wish I lived near you to help.
Hope everything goes well, and hope the puppy is of great assistance.
Herb, I have waiting for the progress report, especially since its a SWC. Was cleaning out part of the basement (wife has me doing this during the winter months-spend about 4 hours per week) this moring and I came across the photos of my white with red interior 4 speed 300 hp SWC when I was stationed in Alaska in 1964-66. I loved that SWC and am watching with great interest in your restoration. Since you told me it will be RED, it even makes it more exciting. Wish I lived near you to help.
Hope everything goes well, and hope the puppy is of great assistance.

i wish you lived closer too, I am sure that you would of great assistance. When Jeff and I are working on the car a lot of times we have to think through our next step and the step after that. Sometimes we don't know what the next step is or we get really frustrated with the step we are on, that is when I really wish we had more help, be it physical or mental!

I am sure I will be asking more questions as we progress......
Cool wheels! What are they?
Billet Specialties, SLC85 (and yes, when they are clean and polished up they have the best shine I have ever seen....all billet.....

Rear wheel


front wheels - 9"
rear wheels - 10"
Hi Herb
The car looks good. I am glad to see you are making progress
thanks Tom, I wish I knew more of what I was doing, but I am having fun wandering in the darkness of Corvette restorod building.....:thumb

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