I am at work right now, but tonight I could send you the E4ME maual. It is about 8 megs, so let me know if you can receive it. I also believe I have it broken-down into four parts (this would then require 4 emails at about 2 megs each).
Generally speaking, the primary jets do not need messing with, since the L81 has the closed-loop mixture control (M/C), and the computer is going to adjust that as it is needed.
The secondary jets (aka metering orifice plates) are not removable. To effect a change in the metered fuel on the secondary side, one must change the metering rods which are designed to change their relative position within the metering orifice plates.
You shouldn't have a reason to mess with these unless you have a change in the engine's compression ratio, or basic deviation from original design. Perhaps your "problem" is just a matter for adjustment of key factors (TPS, M/C).