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Queen City Chapter (Cincinnati) regional meet


Sep 5, 2001
Union, KY. USA

The Queen City Chapter (Cincinnati) regional on Sept 15th to17th is turning out to be a record breaker.

We already have over 70 Corvettes signed up and there will also be 10 specialty cars. Flight judging is at 44 cars with the 67’s filled to capacity. There have been registrations from 27 states and Canada. The awards banquet has over 100 people sign-up. There will also be for the first time ever a 90-91 class and there are 6 Corvettes registered.

If you have not signed up yet, do so right away. For more info go to: http://www.ncrs.org/qc/ or to sign-up and pay online.

If you are not signing up, please come visit us just to look at a lot of nice Vettes.

Thanks Jack

And remember, the meet is inside at the Cincinnati Cinergy Convention Center so there will be no weather concerns. The Queen City Chapter guarantees you and your guests will have a great time.

This weekend will also feature Cincinnati’s Oktoberfest, the WORLD’s second largest fall fest (second only to the original Oktoberfest in Germany!). Last year’s Cincinnati Oktoberfest attracted over 700,000 people. This event will take place a short walk away.

Also there is Newport on the Levee entertainment and shopping complex, Cincinnati Art Museum, Aquarium on the Ohio River, restaurants galore and downtown Cincinnati’s shopping district, nightlife, and attractions.


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