My two cents
JohnZ said:
Ray, Vette Products of Michigan (Neil Porter) has the original GM stamping dies and welding jigs for '53-'82 Corvette frames, and he supplies ALL the repair and replacement sections all the vendors advertise. I haven't seen the C2 reproduction frame, but I HAVE seen the C1 repro frames, and they're indistinguishable from the originals.
I have some vendor spaces at the Corvette show in Carlisle on I 101-103 and they are only two spaces over from Vette Products of Michigan. For the past couple of years they have had a C2 frame sitting upright on a jig in front of their vendor space, and I have to admit that after having been able to, as we say " get up close and personal " it is not something I would recommend for anyone contemplating a correct restoration.
It's quite possible that they might have the original dies, that, I have no way of knowing, but when looking at it closely, there are a lot of things that don't look quite right. The fitment is not well done, the welds are so,so, the metal used for the stampings look as though it is slightly thinner then the originals, and even the finish on it leaves a lot to be desired. The shiny black paint that they have applied, has been done sloppily, and is as shiny as the gloss black paint we see from " Imron "
I most certainly do not wish to bad-mouth his product, but when one thinks of a correct, new, replacement frame, I'm thinking that a lot of people would be expecting something different that what I have seen in the past.
I don't wish to imply that his frame is not usable, but personally the only place I would use one of them is under a " driver " that would see everyday use. If anybody has his car judged using this frame, I can guarantee it would not go un-noticed.
As far as frame replacement parts, or sections, the best supplier I have seen so far is " Caledonia Classic Cars " 888-245-5224 and I might be wrong, but I doubt very much if his products are supplied by Vette Products of Michigan.
JohnZ, in closing I'm sorry if this response sounds a little confrontational, it certainly was not my intention. I have too much respect for you, and your extensive knowledge to contradict your statements, but then, I to have seen a lot of cars, frames, etc. over time, and honestly, this is the way I see his product. If ever you were to be at the show, it would be a pleasure for me to have you stop by so that we could go over and compare notes.
Just my humble opinion