I, too, am sorry to hear your family is being subjected to trials. This has to be expecially hard for your wife. Between her operation and having her mother at the hospital, she must be fit to be tied.
Give her my best and be strong for her, Bob- she needs you now more than ever. Although this may be the most stressful and trying ever, these things too shall pass.
When my wife's father passed on from cancer, his last months were anguish for him and for us as he wasted away, always in pain, and there was nothing we could do. It ripped my wife up pretty bad (she was only 27 years old when he died) but we survived and you guys will too.
Incidently, all you big brave Corvette owning males, see your doctor and submit to the finger. Prostate cancer is a horrible way to die and early detection can make the difference between life and death.