Well just off the top of my head let's say this for a group purchase;
2 to 4 people a 10% off purchase
5 or more a 15% off purchase
This is for Shark Bar I or II, it doesn't have to be all one or the other. You can get any combo, with or without fire extinguisher, passenger side options, etc.
Considering what little profit there is on this stuff that's pretty good. Keep in mind that these aren't made by a big company so the initial costs for the metal stock isn't cheap. All parts are powdercoated gloss black.
I talked to Dan this afternoon, he has plenty of Shark Bar II's in stock as he just completed a run of them. Shark Bar I's can probably be done in a couple days depending on Dan's real job schedule.
Note: I'm not exactly sure how I will handle this yet as far as accepting payments, it's kind of a pain to setup the paypal buttons for all different orders. Suggestions welcome. I guess checks/MO's would be easiest but if there's enough interest I'll setup the paypal buttons.
If you are overseas contact me direct, I will do the discount for you but after shipping one to England already I need extra time to prepare for it, the shipping is a royal pain....not to mention expensive.