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Question: Radiator 1981 Corvette


New member
Jun 10, 2009
1981 White Coupe
I need to replace my radiator in my 1981 Corvette. I have two options - replace it myself or have a local shop do it. If a local shop does it they quoted re-coring it for me. Is this the way to go or should I purchase a new one? If I purchase a new one where is the best to purchase online and is there anything I should know before this is done?
I just did mine a few weeks ago,to recore it was about $$ 450.00
as opposed to 160.00 for a replacement.
I went with the replacement.BUT I did hang on to mine.It wasn't leaking yet but I may still have it recorred at a later date...

BTW mine was only a 3 core radiator...
PM me and I will tell you who I got it from.
I ended uip getting 2 the 1st was bent and alot of the fins were bent.but the 2nd was :thumb:thumb:thumb

it isn't very difficult to change at all just very tight in some spots!!!!!
I did mine in a few hours!!
Thanks Bill for the info. I looked into this more and found Advance Auto Parts that had a 3 core for $ 190.00. Any of the Corvette stores on the web were $ 280 +

Thanks Bill for the info. I looked into this more and found Advance Auto Parts that had a 3 core for $ 190.00. Any of the Corvette stores on the web were $ 280 +


I live in the Mojave desert. Last year I got a job requiring 60 miles a day of open road high speed driving. The poor ol' 81 couldn't cope so I had to buy a new rad.

Turned out the AC equipped Vette had a standard rad when a heavy duty was available. After bringing home the standard and exploring the fit my rad shop let me try the heavy duty.

Point is, it bolt in perfectly without me adjusting anything. The new shroud fit and all.

All I did was walk into the local shop and ask for a rad. I don't remember the price but that suggests it wasn't exorbitant. Try your local shop...
Hey Tim.....Jeff Nagel here.How's West Senecaville?...I'm in EA....Funny seeing you on this site after not seeing you for probably 15 years.....Anyway, Give Nelson a call at Abbott Radiator and ask him.He's married to my cousin and does alot of work on my vette when it needs it.He knows his stuff when it comes to cooling systems (engine and a/c), and pretty much everything else.His Mechanic, JW is really good, and his father has a Vette so he knows Vettes...Tell him I sent you and he'll probably charge you double.lol!At any rate, he'll point you in the right direction...Small world, hu?
I would go for a DeWitts, quality is more important then the price!

Groeten Peter
I replaced the radiator in my 1982 with a DeWitt's and it has been worth every penny ($500 worth of pennies).

I used to over heat and run close to the red a lot.

Now I'm can cruise up hill, with the AC, in 105 weather, and my temp barely goes above 200.

However, if your car was running at a normal temperature on the stock radiator, then you should not have a problem running a stock replacement.

If you have cooling problems and are looking for an upgrade, then DeWitt makes an amazing product.

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!
When did they quit using the 4 tube core like in '73?
I would go for a DeWitts, quality is more important then the price!

Groeten Peter

I have done business with Tom DeWitt, I have to say his company puts out an excellant product. Great customer service.:thumb
I replaced the radiator in my 1982 with a DeWitt's and it has been worth every penny ($500 worth of pennies).​

I used to over heat and run close to the red a lot.​

Now I'm can cruise up hill, with the AC, in 105 weather, and my temp barely goes above 200.​

However, if your car was running at a normal temperature on the stock radiator, then you should not have a problem running a stock replacement.​

If you have cooling problems and are looking for an upgrade, then DeWitt makes an amazing product.​

Good luck with whatever you decide!!!​

I replaced my radiator with the same copper tanks and a new core. But If I had to do over again, I'd go with a DeWitt's alumium unit. The basic increased abilty of an alumium radiator to cool better over the stock copper one is worth the price alone !
Hey Jeff,

Are you the same Jeff Nagel that went to Iroquois? If so, small world. I'm in Marilla. Bought the 81 Vette two years ago ( for my wife ).

See you around at the shows - I know we will be doing the Marilla show in July
I went to WS East but have lived in the Iroquois school district for 17 years now.I thought you were Al's brother and used to work for the News.......OK....2 Tim Krawczyks within a 5 mile radius.I'll see you at the Marilla car show....along with a million other people.That thing has become a monster!....Cheers!
6-year revival of thread...lol

First, let me start by saying that my Vette has the ZN1 option that came with the thicker radiator. So overheating problems for me is a relatively new experience.


I have been having overheating problems, and so I finally pulled the radiator one more time, and now they shop wants me to re-core it. :mad:mad

This very same shop years ago went through the radiator, and it worked fine. They did find one huge leak this week, but now, they seem to be trying to muzzle me into a new core again. The radiator was immaculate inside, and even though it has been a long time, the majority of the past years it sat un-used until I was able to slowly restore the Vette.

I told them this, and they even told me how it is bad for a radiator to sit dry...just as bad as it is to sit wet, and I was like "what?!?!!?" (i have never heard of this. Makes no sense. If true, you figure they would spray something inside while it sat on the shelf or during shipping).

Anyway, So I asked Dr. Rebuild if the 2-5/8" they list for the 1979 L-82 would work for the ZN1 L-81 Vette. They are still researching it for me.

Now, to my question in this thread. If you have replaced your radiator and have done it in the past 4-6 years, or even if you are one of the members who posted in this thread back in 09, now that 6 years have passed, do you still stand by your quality review on the radiators you bought or the options you followed? What issues, if any, you encountered? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Anyway, So I asked Dr. Rebuild if the 2-5/8" they list for the 1979 L-82 would work for the ZN1 L-81 Vette. They are still researching it for me.

Replaced mine last year with a 2-5/8 radiator. Just needed to change the upper and lower cushions.
Wasn't a radiator from Dr Rebuild but can't see why that would have any effect on it fitting.
Replaced mine last year with a 2-5/8 radiator. Just needed to change the upper and lower cushions.
Wasn't a radiator from Dr Rebuild but can't see why that would have any effect on it fitting.

I was hoping that perhaps the L-82's 2-5/8" radiator was basically the same as the ZN1 for the L-81.

I'm still fighting re-coring the radiator only because mine only has 7K miles of use on it. I found a guy in Los Lunas (about 45 minutes south of me). and I explained the situation to him, and he is willing to give me a second opinion. I'll be dropping by his shop tomorrow after work.

If he concurs and shows me why I should re-core, then I'll do that. 😁👍

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