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Radio Repair

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Don Strausburg

Just a short note to let you in on an exceptionally good radio repair shop. DR. Dons located in Texas. I sent my Delco AM/FM radio to them for repair. It would not work at all. Sent it thru us postal on tuesday and recieved the radio back ups on the following friday. The price was about half of what other places charge and the turnaround was really quick. I even called them to check on status. Very friendly people with good price and service.
Just wondering what ballpark did they charge you? I have the same radio and the other day I was driving down the road listening to tunes and the fuse blew. I put another one in and it blew again. I haven't checked the wiring or anything yet but I think probably a transistor has gone. :w
Radio Repair Cost

If I remember corrctly it was either 150. or 175.00. Half of what other places want to charge you.
Radio repair

Forgot to tell you this. The price is a FLAT FEE, no matter what is wrong with it. Just send it in with a check or credit card number. You can find the exaxt cost at www.Dr.Donsradiorepair.com.
Today I sent my 94 gold Bose to Dr Don's for the CDR upgrade so that it will play CDs burned on the computer. Cost is $200, but that is cheaper than buying an after market replacement and I get to keep the system stock. As I understand it, Corvette had Bose engineer the C4 stereo system for the best acoustics in the cabin, not the best sound. Mine works well, but not as good as the C5 system nor the Bose that is in my 2003 blazer. I hope that the upgrade to the CDR is as good as they advertise as I play a lot of computer burned CDs. I tried playing the Sounds Of Corvette, that I restored from my original record and burned on the computer, in LT4mans 96 corvette while in BG last June. It would not play. It would not play in my 94 either. According to the Chevy dealer, the C4 Boses might not play a burned CD.
I had the upgrade done to my 92s radio I was very satisfied then shortly after the left side front amp went out i guess it doesn't stop steve

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