posted question how to remove the shade a while back--no one seemed to know--took me 3 hours last time--well, had to do it again & this time was done in 10 minutes--the shade is spring loaded--use a small crowbar--put the long end behind the flat metal part at the very end of the shade & depress the mechanism about 1/2 inch or so & give it a good pull--comes right out--the trick is the curved crowbar--a screwdriver is no good due to the tight quarters--no room to pry in the proper direction--hope this helps someone down the road--by the way, i located several of these shades on ebay thru a salvage yard--got mine for $29.00--was in perfect condition--new one is over $200 i think--the seller on ebay was "red line corvette"--again, hope this info is usefull