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Question: Rear Hub - 80 Coupe


Feb 19, 2009
Boynton Beach
80 Red L82, 92 Red Coupe, 03 50th
Any one else have much trouble removing the hub to replace the shield? I worked on it to no avail. I took it to a machine shop and he told me he put 5 ton on it to no avail. He is afraid to break the casting.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

You need a special support for the housing, and probably a 20 ton press to get it apart. The alternative is a special purpose puller.

Depending on what your machine shop pushed on and how hard, he may have already bent your housing and crushed the bearing.
Thanks Mike. I have new bearings so that is not the issue. I was hoping someone would know that it takes more to get this apart. He has done other work for me for this vette and my 92 vette as well. I think he was just afraid he was going to damage the casting.

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