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Rebuilt QJet

  • Thread starter Thread starter RayL81
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My baby should be back on the road about 2 hours from now with a totally rebuilt Qjet. I can hardly wait it's been 2 days since I driven my 81. After I had the new fuel pump installed last week I found out I had a carb problem. The new fuel pump was putting out 8lbs of pressure and the old carb could not handle it. So I'm excited to see what the difference will be with the new parts installed.

I'll give you an update after the test flight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Qjet Update

What a difference the rebuild has made. It's runs like a charm. New jets, float, computer sensor and choke.

Glad to hear it help so much, I know Chris got a rebuilt carb from National Carb and he's real happy with it, looks like I'm gonna have to do it as well.

how much was the rebuilt carb?....or did you have YOURS rebuilt.?

I had my original rebuilt I paid $300.00 but that included the labor to remove and replace. Also the guy that did the R & R is a Harley riding friend of mine that has a mobile automotive business. I think he gave me a pretty good deal. Regardless it made a lot of difference in the performance. So much that I'm afraid to get on it until I have the new u-joints put on the axle shafts. I can hardly wait to really give it a true test flight. Sorry for the language but I'm retired Air Force and it's hard to change after 20 years. Anyway good luck in whatever you decide about your carb.

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