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redline tires

Radial reproductions or bias-ply reproductions?

In any case, they're a bust for judging, as BFG never supplied original '67 redline tires - they were only made by Firestone, Uniroyal, and Goodyear.

Not interested in them for judging
just use, John I noticed in one of your earlier posts
you were going to get Diamond Back redlines
Did that happen and are you satisfied?
Are they cut in or applied onto the outer surface?
I have noticed on diamond backs web site
their redlines seem to have jagged edges at the
junction of the redline and tire body any observations
on this?

I've had Diamond Back 205/75-15 Firestone redlines on my car for about four years, and I'm very happy with them. I spent a day at their plant a couple of years ago when I wrote a feature article on their process for "Corvette Enthusiast" magazine, and have never seen any "jagged" trims on the edges of their white/red/blue/gold lines, which are applied to the casing (not cut in, which weakens the sidewall). Photos below of my tires. :thumb

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