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Registry UPDATES..


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2000
Amarillo, TX
1981 UL5
The L81 Vette Registry has added a Registration Form! The new form replaces the "Survey" Form
Rob added a few new features to the form and we've updated the "Trim Tag Codes" through more research we have refined it :D

The members that have sent in information and have asked about updates.. please be patient we will be getting them too! Please try to remember Rob RUNS the Corvette Action Center, Designs other websites, and has a full time job. I get nervous thinking about html's and "stuff" about websites, and I too have a full time job, and commute for 4 hours each day :( .

The L81VetteRegistry IS a Website we can all be very PROUD of, I can't think of a single car Registry that compares to ours ;) We have arrived!

Check it out!
L81 Vette Registry

I LOVE IT !!! Proud to be a part of this registry.

Thanks Tom.. on the QT.. I do too :D

You're absolutely right. It is the BEST registry out there!! Great job!
Tom, Kevin, Chris and other L81 Members... We are getting there, it's all done "with patience, persistance and a little help from our friends" ;)

Thank You

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