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Replacement heater core problems


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
Those that have replaced their heater core, did you have problems with fitment of the replacement core?

I removed mine and went to get a replacement at OReiley, it was not the same. The outlet hoses were the wrong length, the top mount notch was off, etc. After checking several other stores, I finally went to get an AC Delco replacement (twice as much money). The first one I got was identical to the one I had. It was made by Harrison (stamped on the bottom tank), but was beat up from shipping. All the rest of the AC Delco replacements have been the same style/fit as the one from OReiley. I have been unable to find another one made by Harrison. I have checked into having my original one repaired, but did not like the repairman's comments - "I will have to grind the tanks off, then replace the core section".

With that said, has anyone else had similar problems?
'96 LT4
don`t worry about getting your core repaired, thats how it`s done if the tanks are good all you replace is the core.But with all the work involved with replacing it get a new one and don`t get the cheap one.You don`t what to do all that work again do you ?
Heater Core fit

I've replaced a half dozen or so heater cores (all GM but none Corvette) and the only one that fit correctly was the one that had the core section replaced. The others were 'new' and none really fit well. Two required major 'bending'
A good radiator shop will make you a better than original unit.
Well, I found that the AC Delco replacement was the closest to the original. I installed it with only minor bending of the tubes to get it in. I will hang on to the original one "just in case". If for some reason I need to replace it again, I will have a new core put in using the original tanks.

And what a pain to replace the heater core! It took me two days to remove almost the entire dash, two weeks to find a suitable replacement core, and two days to put the dash back together. I only had one screw left over, and some minor tweeking to the console lid, so I did something right! I swapped the seats with each other while I was at it. The passenger side seat was like new, and the drivers foam was well worn. Rides great now, and now squeeks from the dash either.
96corvetteLT4 said:
Well, I found that the AC Delco replacement was the closest to the original. I installed it with only minor bending of the tubes to get it in. I will hang on to the original one "just in case". If for some reason I need to replace it again, I will have a new core put in using the original tanks.

And what a pain to replace the heater core! It took me two days to remove almost the entire dash, two weeks to find a suitable replacement core, and two days to put the dash back together. I only had one screw left over, and some minor tweeking to the console lid, so I did something right! I swapped the seats with each other while I was at it. The passenger side seat was like new, and the drivers foam was well worn. Rides great now, and now squeeks from the dash either.
I just replaced my heater core 2 weeks ago and spent $130 for a GM from the dealer... I still have my old core if you want to pay the shipping you can have it and have mine fixed so you can keep your old one if the recored one gets screwed up by the shop.

Thanks for the offer Justardnck, I kept my old one and will have it rebuilt if I need to replace it again (hope not!).

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