You need to replace the accumulator and the orfice tube. If the old compressor was making any noise you will need to flush the condenser and the lines. Any trash in the system will be stuck on the orfice tube. The accumulator does three jobs. It's a dessicant to remove moisture, it seperates oil from the freon, and it meters the amount of oil returning to the compressor. Any small pieces of trash in the system will plug the oil port and you will end up smoking the new compressor.
You need to add 5-6 onces of oil to the system before assembly. 2 ounces in the comp, 2 ounces in the condenser, and 2 ounces in the accumulator. Assemble the system and turn the compressor at least 10 rotations by hand to clear excess oil. Evacuate the system at least 27 hg for a minimum of 30 minutes. An hour would be better. Charge the system thru the low side port on the accumulator. Running the ac with the hood open restricts air flow across the condenser. Put a fan in front of the car to help cooling.