My 63 was the first car I ever restored, and little did I know the learning curve was going to be so steep and that I managed to choose about the hardest and most expensive of all the vettes to restore.
Last time I counted there are ove 153 parts that are one/two year (found on the 64 too) parts. Everything from the nose emblem to the mounts on the seats are unique to the 63. Most obvious of the parts hardest to find are the rear window trim and the interior trim. I understand that PIPER might be reproducing the trim pieces and I did see one of the dealers are doing the corner window trim for the split windows.
Don't know if you know this, but the MBC for the 63 are not the same. If you have a power booster, you will NEED the top plate with a hex nut. Otherwise the top plate had the thumbscrew, until about Feb/Mar of 63 when all were reproduced with hex. Another gray are are the stupid hood aliment blocks, first two were used then four, then two then none. Next is the rear leaf springs are different then other years, and of course the doors have a mounting form for the door handles...end on and on and on...
I am sure you probably know most of this stuff, but boy was I shocked when just about every week I was doing a hunt for another part that was only found on the 63 to replace.
I will put a list together of what I have and let you know. But if you need help let me know and I will do my best to direct you to a good vendor with a decent price. You will learn quickly that 63 parts sell at a premium.