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Rhoads Lifters


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2003
"Down The Shore"
1965 black/black/black--1985 red/graphite
What do you know about the Rhoads lifters? I know that they have been around for a long time. Snake oil??
We've used Rhoads lifters as OEM on the Viper V-10 since 1996; calmed down the idle to get it past the idle phase of the emission certification test. :)
I've used them for years in many different engines.

They really give back the low end torque to a radical hydraulic cam.

Only drawback is that they calm down the cool sounding lopey idle, but they do sound like solid lifters at idle.
It is most interesting that the V10 Chrysler uses Rhoads lifters.

The Rhoads lifter is simply a hydraulic lifter with a much higher rate of "bleed down". The bleed rate is so high that at low engine speed, the lifter partially colapses and that tends to reduce lift and duration which, of course, smooths idle and increases torque.

As the engine speeds up, the lifters have less time to bleed down and the lift and duration reduction descreases to practically zero.

Interestingly, you can vary this effect by changing the viscosity of oil you use, ie: you'll get more lift and duration reduction with a 10W30 than a 10W40. Also, oil temperature will have an effect on the reductions, too.

The downside of the Rhoads lifter is 1) noise and 2) inconsistent bleed down rates from lifter-to-lifter.

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