Thanks for the quick response. I do have this info already though. For what it's worth my car is a very early ser#. originally fawn beige. had a luggage rack and also has a bracket under the front which I believe was used for a camera mounting or trailing devise. I originally bought the car in 1972, sold it in 81 and bought it back abought 5 years ago. It is dissasembled now. I didn't know until after I sold it in 1981 about the cars history. It didn't matter much then as I was young and was just thrilled to own and old corvette. Since getting it back I have traced back ownership to around 1963. However this gentleman passed away as he was trying to help me. He did tell me that he was indeed told by the dealership that it was used in the series but he did'nt have any documentation that he could remember. The next owner who purchased it in 1967 thought that he had had something regarding the studio Lancer productions that was in the car at that time. I don't have any way of knowing if this is correct. Thanks Gary.