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Sad note about Reno Roth son of Big Daddy Roth

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I know this is off base for this forum but I'm sure many of you knew of Big Daddy Roth and his hot rod cartoon art. His son Reno Roth was also extremely talented with the same flare for hot rod art using modern technology (Photoshop) to render his creations. Reno passed away last week unexpectedly of an apparent heat attack. He was in his early 50's. I offer my condolences to his family.
Man I will tell you, I am very much an admirer of Big Daddy Roth, and have seen his son's work too. Both died way before their time. I have met Ed Roth several times. even to the point he knew my name. He was one of the the nicest people to talk with and just to have a few laughs with, especially if you could talk to him about his Air Force days.... I have seen the original Rat Fink, on the refridgerator in his old shop.... It's sad

I, too, am sorry to hear this. While I have never met Reno, I did meet and talk to Ed Roth. It was Sturgis 1997. I spoke with him at his booth on a Thursday night and talked about the "Rat Fink" days and how I had come to appreciate his art, and about the 50's and 60's in general, the "Beatnik Bandit" car, etc.

I decided to enter my '53 Flathead 45" chopper in the ride-in bike show. I was in the 750cc-1000cc class, up against 12 others, some nice 61 inch Panheads, and a beautiful black and gold XA (1000cc like a BMW-very rare). Well, he was the announcer and ticked off the place winners, 6th, 5th, etc. I'm sitting on the lawn when he says, "and, the 1st place bike, a traditional chopper, haven't seen one like this in years...Rick Campbell and his '53 45!!" Woo-hoo! Got the hand shake, kiss from the trophy girl, big trophy, and a really nice Rat Fink watch stating "1st Place, Sturgis '97". I'll never forget. Walk back to the bike, which had been sitting all day in the August sun, turned on the gas, turned on the key, first kick and she runs. Great day. Never forget it. Thanks, Big Daddy.

I still have the bike, the trophy and the watch. :)

RodsnRides said:
I still have the bike, the trophy and the watch. :)

And the memories... thanks for telling the story!!

My sympathy for the Roth family as well.

One of Reno Roth's works of Art is on EBay right now for $6,300.00. :w

My condolences to the Roth Family.

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