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Question: seat belt bolt


Dec 29, 2008
1960 horizon blue
The bolt that holds the seatbelt in place (driver-inside) has retracted in its hole....where is the access to the inside? It's beneath the glove box between the seats...

Thanks in advance..
The inboard seat belt attaches with a nut to a threaded stud protruding through the side of the tunnel that's part of a steel reinforcement plate that's riveted to the floor pan; you'll have to get under the car to get to it. Either the stud has come adrift from the plate, or the plate has come loose from the floor pan.

today the bolt was peeking through so I was able to grab it and secure the belt...since it does move around (or did before I tightend the nut), it's obviously not right, but it works for now..
I found that removing the corroded seatbelt bolts was one of the most difficult things I encountered when disassembling the car for rebuild.


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