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seat problem


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2003
Barrington, R.I.
1999 triple black vert.
Hello everyone,wondering if any of you have had the same problem as me with my driver seat. It won't raise up. All of the other functions of the seat work except it won't raise. Mabee it's of the track? Any help would be great,thanks.
The seat is bolted to the track on four cast aluminum tabs. I had one crack in the past and it would not move. After pricing the track assemblies I ended up wrapping the bracket with fiberglass and it's working fine. If you are not getting any codes the problem is most likely physical and close inspection will be needed. Just remove the seat and you will be able to tell. You can jump the motors and see if they are functioning and use Ohm meter to test the switch. Wish I took some pictures when I did mine, good luck.
I had the a similar problem with mine however when the bracket cracked it stopped the seat from doing the annoying C5 rock and it didn't end up in a bad position so I left it alone!

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