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SHE's ALIVE !! Winter Project Complete !!


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2002
Richmond, VA
1991 Blue Coupe
My son and I worked on putting my car back together from 8:00 AM in the morning until 11:15 PM on Saturday. I could not raise my arms above my head on Sunday!! We were under the car for 4 hours at least. As an amateur shade tree mechanic (never removed an engine before in my life) I was pretty happy, when we were ready to crank her up at 11:15 PM, she started on the first turn of the ignition switch (after some priming with coil wire removed). After running for awhile and letting her heat-up, we found just one leak, I forgot to tighten the suction nipple for the heater hose on the water pump.

There were some challenges and things we learned as we worked on Saturday. Several time we had to take something off to get something else on. We had to pull one of the headers off 3 times, that became the running joke of the day. The biggest challenge was hooking up the exhaust pipe to the new headers. We got the pipe lined up to the first header and got the 3 bolts, washers & nut in to get it attached loosely. We went over to the other side and the exhaust pipe alignment was off by a foot !! Yes a foot !! So we disconnected and pulled the pipe off and brought it out to my picnic table to see what we could do. This was pretty heavy duty stainless steel, we were not going to bend it by sitting on it !! So my son happened to have a couple of straps with a built in ratchet buckle in the truck he had borrowed. We connected two of them and began to compress the two pipes that make up the "Y" connection. We were able to move them 12 inches, kept the straps attached and hooked both up to the headers.

I did get to cruise the neighborhood Sunday without my hood on, still needs to clean, sanded, & paint the hood. But I am close to seeing the end of this tunnel. Next year, full brake overhaul, following year it is the interior carpet and seats, and year 3 the new paint job !! I am sure more projects will come up in between !!
Wow.. Very nice coming together there John !! :upthumbs
Way to go!!!!!!:upthumbs:upthumbs
Good job. Sounds like you and your son had a great time with it. This winter I hope to drop my LS1 into my vette. I hope my son is as enthusiastic as yours seems to be.
Lookin good.. I rebiult my 350 last year to about 400 hp. Now Im thinkin of getteing a 350 block from work, building it to over 500 hp...oh ya and stroking it.. and putting it in this winter..
just a crazy thought! I just gotta get me Trans Am running again before I can do anything for the vette...
Once again, your engine looks awesome, and yur gonna have a great time drivin 'er this summer.
How much power do you think it has?
Great job... looks awesome!
Looking good, John! Always nice when something finally is done. My car sat from October through April without a transmission. I know your feeling of finally getting everything back in and running!

What's wrong with the current paint on the car? Looks OK in the pics...
You changing the color?

Looking Good!:upthumbs

I bet she sounds great, too!
Great job - you should be very proud!
"... My car sat from October through April without a transmission. I know your feeling of finally getting everything back in and running!..."


I was wondering about your tranny... what did you end up doing?


:hijackMy apologies for the hijack!
Andre, I was wondering about your tranny... what did you end up doing?:hijackMy apologies for the hijack!
I'll PM you and then see if I can find my original thread an update it. Thanks for reminding me. ;)
Looking great John! Wish my '81 looked as good as yours! Hopefully see you on the roads soon!

Hi Zach, not sure on horses gained ? All smog equipment gone, cruise control gone, removed all AC componets durng this project (only drive car sunny days when 60 - 75 degrees!), and new Dewitt's aluminum radiator. Future projects will include true dual exhausts and maybe even taking off the mufflers, antique car in VA, no more inspections required. I saw a horse power machine @ Carlisle when I went up there last year. I may have to keep my eyes out for something similar at future car shows.
Hi Evol1980,

From a distance, paint is OK. A couple of chips and touch-ups. A bubble here and there. I still have a couple of things on the list, complete brake overhaul, true dual exhaust upgrade, interior replacement, and the paint job as the final touch. I will definitely stick with the white exterior, red interior look !! Thanx for your comments !!
I still have a couple of things on the list, complete brake overhaul...
Be sure to check with our supporting vendor Vette Brakes & Products. They are pretty much the one stop shop for most all vette brakes & suspension replacement and upgrades. Many of us here use them. 67Heaven went all out with their suspension stuff and I have a complete brake kit from them them covering me at all four corners. They are a great company to deal with! A couple of our members have even been featured in their catalog!


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