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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2003
Ocala, Florida
1993 Blue
Hey all, just wanted to say after much research I installed Monroe's on the front and back and notice a nice stable ride. I'm not an aggressive driver, never have been but I did take it on a run on a road we nicknamed "Motorcycle road". Handled fine, no dipping or noticeable difference compared to the bilsteins but I did notice a softer ride. Just my take, I know a lot of you don't recommend pulling away from the stock shocks but I'm pretty happy with them. I'm handing the car down soon but have my sights set on a C7.....maybe one more, working on the wife...lol
I installed KYB shocks as replacements several years ago and they are ok, I will be going back to Billsteins if I do not upgrade to a C7 myself first.

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