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Question: Side curtains, 1953 Corvette


Active member
Jul 18, 2002
Feasterville, Pa. USA
2015 Coupe, Auto, Torch Red, Red interior, 2LT
From outside the car, how do you open the door, drivers or passanger, on a 1953 Corvette? I have seen photos where it appears there is no handle/button on the outside of the door and other photos where it appears there is a small round button. Also, can the doors on a '53 be locked. If so, how? I believe '53s had curtains and not roll up windows. If you were caught out in the rain, would the curtains keep the rain out? Also, what year started roll up windows on Corvettes? Just curious. Thanks! Tom
OK, first, the side curtains had a vent wing at the front. On would push the vent wing open and reach in to grab the door latch ball. The only GM built 53s (and 54/5s for that matter) that had an outside door handle or button were Styling/Show cars. As for locking, I can't recall - I'll leave that to someone else to answer...

And as for keeping out the weather, I believe the side curtains were pretty much as (in)effective as the roll-up windows, which began in 1956. Note that power windows also debuted in 1956.
OK, first, the side curtains had a vent wing at the front. On would push the vent wing open and reach in to grab the door latch ball. The only GM built 53s (and 54/5s for that matter) that had an outside door handle or button were Styling/Show cars. As for locking, I can't recall - I'll leave that to someone else to answer...

And as for keeping out the weather, I believe the side curtains were pretty much as (in)effective as the roll-up windows, which began in 1956. Note that power windows also debuted in 1956.

Thanks! I have seen photos both with and without that "button" you describe. You have cleared it up. Tom

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