Thanks Mike, but it's one of those repairs that just keeps expanding! After studing the repair manuals, I knew that I had to get to the shoe brakes that function with the hand brake. First thing, though, is drilling out the factory rivets that hold the disc onto the spindle (the shoes are behind the spindle). I messed up the first disc by drilling too big of a hole before I got the darn rivets out. Then I found that the real problem was that the adjusting screws for the shoes were froze, a spring was broken, and each rear unit had a bad clip. So, being that RIKs, (a local corvette supply, 40 miles, 1 way) was the quickest source for the hardware package, I drove there this morning to get this job done. I didn't get new shoes because my old shoes were not worn.
However, when I got back, in preparing to re-install, I sanded the crystlalized glaze and cleaned the inside of the disc as well as the old shoes. on the last shoe, I found it had small cracks across the rivets at 2 places. Advance Auto said they would have me some new shoes tommorrow. I hate safety and emission inspections!! I'll be lucky to have it back together by Sunday when I go to church. (I need to go!!...this mess puts me in a bad mood).....I suspect the sermon will be something along worshiping false gods....yeah, or wasting the talents god gave me, yeah, ....or God works in mysterious ways....oh..yeah. you know, I just like2drive.