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So who here is the expert on finding out a Corvette's history?

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Orange 01 SS

Usually on boards for other cars I've had, there's a guy that can take a VIN and find out all sorts of stuff on whatever kind of car it is. Well, here's kind of our "family Corvette." Dad bought this when I was five (I saw him today and we went out and took a picture--I'm 32 now). We've had other Corvettes between the two of us, but this one is not likely to go anywhere soon. We know it was originally a Shriner car in Omaha, NE (the Shriner's would buy a dozen or 20 identical cars and use them in parades and stuff). We know it's pretty original (paint, spare tire, engine, etc., still has all it's shielding and valve cover keeper bolts ...). We probably don't know everything, though. It has been a great car, but maybe there's a secret it's hiding (hopefully not too bad!!).

So anyway, if I were to e-mail the cereal number, could someone find anything out about it? :)

BTW--this is my dad's car. I told him I'd see if I could find anybody that knew anything. If you find out anything bad (I doubt it, but who knows), I won't tell him. :L
Corvette Patrol

Each year beginning in 1957 the Omaha, Nebraska,Tangier Shrine Temple "Corvette Patrol" took delivery of a fleet of identical prepared Corvettes at the St. Louis assembly plant.This tradition continued each year until St. Louis closed in 1981. Yours certainly looks like one of them.All the Shriners car came from a Chevrolet Dealer in Wahoo, Neb. It was owned by member Garwood Anderson. Have the guy's at the NCRS check it out for you. Go to www.ncrs.org they will be able to tell you about the Shriners Corvettes. Or you can pick up the book "Birthplace of Legends" by Peter L. Licastro. I recommend this book highly to all Corvette lovers who love to read about the history of the Corvette and the birth at Flint, move to St. Louis,and move to Bowling Green. Good Luck. Save the Wave.>George

Pretty 61, but I am prodigious

What a beauty. About all you will get from the serial number is the day it was built. Plug the number into the NCRS Wisconsin Birthday Calculator and you will get an answer.


Go to the NCRS web site www.ncrs.org and search for info. There were a few very good articles in The Restorer on the Shriner Corvettes. Search the article archives for the magazine and you will get the issue numbers that they appeared. One of us members may even be nice enough to scan the article for you or you may want to just buy the magazine on DVD and get a lot more info. Look in the NCRS Bookstore on the site for the DVDs. Good luck in your search.

That was kind of neat. I know it was built on September 2, 1960 now. :D

We're pretty certain about the Shriner thing (not that that means much, really). We just don't have all the info on who owned it after that.
I guess I should have mentioned this too. Go to the Owner Research area of the Learning Center to get some tips on doing a prior owner search. Here's the link or just click on the tab at the top of the page that says Learning Center.


There's lots of cool stuff lurking under those tabs.


Thank you, Tom, for sharing that link. I just submitted my request for information.

That '61 is a real nice car. Beautiful.:cool

Your 61 Shrinesr Corvette, I may have info. Would you please contact me. Bruce Rauscher 402-489-4148 tx

Usually on boards for other cars I've had, there's a guy that can take a VIN and find out all sorts of stuff on whatever kind of car it is. Well, here's kind of our "family Corvette." Dad bought this when I was five (I saw him today and we went out and took a picture--I'm 32 now). We've had other Corvettes between the two of us, but this one is not likely to go anywhere soon. We know it was originally a Shriner car in Omaha, NE (the Shriner's would buy a dozen or 20 identical cars and use them in parades and stuff). We know it's pretty original (paint, spare tire, engine, etc., still has all it's shielding and valve cover keeper bolts ...). We probably don't know everything, though. It has been a great car, but maybe there's a secret it's hiding (hopefully not too bad!!).

So anyway, if I were to e-mail the cereal number, could someone find anything out about it? :)

I can help. contact me at brucerauscher@windstream.net or 402-489-4148. Bruce.
Bruce - as sometimes happens with threads lying dormant in the archives section, you've revived a thread from 2004 and the original poster is no longer registered. It's easy enough to do when someone comes along who wants to help.

I just thought I'd mention it so that you wouldn't be anticipating contact from the OP.
Welcome to the :CAC

:wJane Ann

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