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Some People........

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Well how is this for a little light hearted story.

Im sitting here at my house, reading the vette forum. My cell phone goes off......its my boss, the owner of the company I work for. And out of of blue.....just calls.....and says Hey.....you gonna be in the office in the a.m.....I replied yes....She said good.....I got something for you......My 94 convertible is white with the red and black leather interior. She is out shopping somewhere.....and finds......A Black and Red Leather Steering Wheel Cover.....with.....HOT WHEELS and the HOT WHEELS FLAMES on it.....said....I JUST HAD TO GET IT>>>>>>>ITS SO YOU, and....I know its a perfect match. This lady is very well off, and I have a lot of respect for her....there are still some nice people out there....but this one caught me by surprise. She said she knew I had finally gotten the car I have always wanted, so she thought she would get me something for the NEW BABY!!

Where do I send my resume? :D
It goes both ways


She really demonstrates a caring personality. That is a perfect example of a considerate interest in others. Her actions should also promote a special job loyality response on your part as well. It really speaks well of you and your work ethic. That kind of reward is the most cherished.

Congratulations, I am jealous
That's so cool! Have you taken her for a ride in the Vette? If not, she deserves one. :D
BubbleHead said:
That's so cool! Have you taken her for a ride in the Vette? If not, she deserves one. :D

Hey...sounds like she wants to ride a little more than the Vette :L
She Needs a Ride !!

Who says she hasnt already?:eek

She tells everyone I am a kept man !!


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